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When you take maternity leave, you are entitled to claim maternity benefits up to a maximum 121 days (4 Months). If you have had a miscarriage in your third trimester, you can claim for 6 weeks (42 days). You are also entitled to claim when your employer is paying you only a portion of your normal wages or salary while you are on maternity leave. Maternity Benefits only applies from when your employer stops paying your full wages or salary. You have six (6) months from the birth date of your child to apply for benefits and failure of this will result in the benefit lapsing.
You can claim adoption benefits when you adopt a child under the age of two and take unpaid leave or receive only a part of your salary while you are at home caring for the child. Only one of the adopting parents can claim.
You must apply within six months of the adoption order being issued to you, and you are entitled to benefits for a maximum of 121 days (4 Months).
If you are ill and are unable to work for 14 days or more and you are not receiving a salary or are receiving only part of your salary, you can claim illness benefits for a maximum of 238 days (7 Months).
If your spouse or life partner who contributed to the UIF dies, you can claim this benefit, even if you are employed. You must apply for the benefit within six months of your spouse or life partner’s death.
A child dependent of the deceased who is under 21, or a child of the deceased who is under 25 and who is a learner and who was wholly or mainly dependent on the deceased, can also claim for this benefit if there is no claim from a spouse.
Dependent benefits are payable for a maximum of 238 days (7 Months). You must apply within six months of the contributor dying.
Salary of R17712 or more you will receive R384.33 per day for a maximum of 121 days (Total Benefit up to R46503.93)
Salary of R10000 you can expect to receive R220.00 per day for a maximum of 121 days (Total Benefit up to R26620.00)
Salary of R7500 you can expect to receive R165.00 per day for a maximum of 121 days (Total Benefit up to R19965.00)
Salary of R5000 you can expect to receive R110.00 per day for a maximum of 121 days (Total Benefit up to R13310.00)
These estimates are based on a salary as above and based that you are not receiving a contribution from your employer, should you wish to find out how much you can expect on your actual salary please send us a message and we will be happy to assist.
Example: Your employer is paying you 75% p.m. while you are on maternity leave. You can claim a percentage of the amount that you are not getting (25%) from the UIF. (Remember you cannot receive more than 100% of your salary from the department and your employer combined)
If you are a member of a Close Corporation or PTY Ltd and contribute towards UIF then you can most definitely claim.
You are able to claim Maternity Benefits year on year however as soon as you claim full Illness or Unemployment Benefits you will need to build up your credits again before being able to claim Maternity Benefits.
The only benefits that can be claimed if you resign are Maternity Benefits and you are able to still claim the full 121 days benefit provided you have sufficient credits available.
No, Maternity UIF payouts are 100% tax free.
The earlier we receive your documents the sooner your claim can be submitted and payment can be received.
Maternity Benefits and Adoption Benefits allow you to claim for 121 consecutive days (4 Months).
Credits are calculated based on your last 4 years work history and are calculated as 1 Credit for every 6 full days worked and contributed to UIF.
Maternity/Adoption Benefits pay 121 Credits as a maximum.
Illness/Death Benefits pay 238 Credits as a maximum.
The Department of Labour take between 3 weeks and 8 weeks from the date that your application was submitted for them to approve the claim and for your first payment to be received. Payments are done in arrears and you will be paid for every day that you are claiming for. Once your claim has been approved Sweet Dreamz will advise you on how many days your claim has been approved for as well as what your daily approved rate is. We will then submit continuation of payment forms monthly until your claim is fully paid.
Your claim has to be submitted to The Department of Labour within 6 months of your baby being born for Maternity Benefits.
if there is anything we have not addressed please contact us and we will be glad to assist further.
9 Rotterdam Street, Monte Vista, Cape Town, 7460
082 999 9911 (Whatsapp Only)